Afghan Health Toolkits

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Afghan Health Toolkits equip organizations with the tools to plan and implement public health interventions in Afghan newcomer communities across the U.S. Covering a number of topics, these toolkits set service providers at local health departments and community organizations up for success. 

Our toolkits include:

  • Best and promising practices
  • Health communications templates
  • Conversation guides
  • Checklists
  • Professional development offerings


nutrition toolkit tile

Afghan Dastarkhwan Toolkit: Eating Healthy on a Budget

The "Dastarkhwan" represents Afghan food traditions, symbolizing home and celebration.  This 3-part series offers tools, videos, and resources to help Afghan newcomers eat healthy on a budget in the U.S. This toolkit blends nutrition tips with cultural practices, offering budgeting advice and healthy recipes. All materials are culturally validated and available in Dari and Pashto.

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Health Needs Assessment Toolkit

Health Needs Assessment (HNA) Toolkit

A health needs assessment helps organizations identify gaps in health services, resources and health outcomes and use the information to plan and implement programs and services to increase health equity and improve the overall health and well-being of the community.

Now, organizations can conduct their own health needs assessments with our toolkit, created in partnership with the International Rescue Committee.

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Elderly Lady with 3 kids

Mental Health Toolkit

Afghan people who are forced to leave their country and start over in a new place have great strength and bravery. It is also a very difficult thing to do. It is common for people who have experienced difficult things to have feelings like fear, anger, sadness and sorrow at the same time that they feel relieved or glad to be safe.

This collection of health communications, promising practices, checklists, guides, and training opportunities will help any organization improve their efforts to support Afghan newcomers as they navigate the complicated emotions and stressors that come with migration.

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health care worker with clipboard

Healthcare Navigation Toolkit

As Afghan people settle into the United States, navigating the healthcare system presents its own set of challenges. Our Healthcare Navigation Toolkit is tailored specifically for Afghan newcomers, offering comprehensive resources to help them understand the unique protocols and systems in the U.S. healthcare landscape.

Explore our featured resources, including language access materials, guidance on accessing healthcare, insights on prescriptions and pharmacy services, professional development opportunities, promising practices, and support for settling in as Afghan newcomers. Each resource is thoughtfully curated to equip organizations to address the specific needs of Afghan individuals navigating the U.S. healthcare system.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health

To maintain one’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) people need access to accurate information that empowers them to make informed decisions regarding their body. Review this toolkit for a glossary, charts, promising practices, and other SRH resources geared towards Afghan newcomers and the organizations who serve them.

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