Promising Practices for Afghan Newcomers

Promising Practices for Afghan Newcomers

Tens of thousands of Afghans have been resettled to the United States after the Taliban took control of Kabul in 2021. Resettlement agencies, federal partners, healthcare systems, public health professionals, social service providers, and community-based organizations are working hard to support Afghan communities. One important aspect of resettlement is addressing the public health needs of communities in a culturally appropriate way. 

Fortunately, there are many examples of strategies, approaches, and programs that have shown to have a positive impact in local settings that could serve as a model for others. In partnership with our partners and through interviews with organizations and community leaders across the country, NRC-RIM has developed a collection of promising practices related to Afghan health promotion. This collection is intended to highlight culturally appropriate programs and to inspire other organizations to consider similar approaches. 

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Home Health Visits

Discover how the International Rescue Committee office in Atlanta Home Health Visit Program, launched in 2022, exemplifies best practices by offering in-person visits to address health needs, focusing on vulnerable groups like women and children. This program ensures accessibility through flexible scheduling, cultural sensitivity, and comprehensive health screenings, effectively supporting Afghan newcomers beyond initial resettlement.

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Digital Health Literacy Classes

Discover how Afghan refugees resettled in the United States receive customized digital health literacy support to overcome healthcare system challenges. Learn how IRC Spokane's Digital Health Literacy Classes provide essential skills for Afghan newcomers to navigate online medical services. They ensure accessibility and inclusivity by partnering with organizations like InterConnection and Manzanita House. 

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs Assessments

Discover how Health Needs Assessments (HNAs) are addressing the unique healthcare challenges faced by Afghan women in the U.S. Learn about tailored interventions and impactful findings to enhance healthcare accessibility and cultural sensitivity. 

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"Dialogue with Doctors" Series Empowering Afghan Women

IRC in San Diego focuses on Afghan women’s physical and emotional well-being by hosting a series of Q&A sessions called “Dialogue with Doctors” and facilitating maternal support groups. “Dialogue with Doctors” sessions provide an opportunity to address and discuss Afghan women’s health concerns, such as anemia, diabetes, hypertension, breast cancer, and post-partum care. IRC prioritizes identifying health providers who are from Afghanistan for their “Dialogue with Doctors” series to ensure alignment of culture and language and to increase trust and engagement.

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Patient Navigators to Support Afghan Newcomers

Learn about the vital role of Patient Navigators in supporting Afghan newcomers' access to healthcare services. Explore promising practices from Minnesota and Colorado, where community-based organizations and state agencies collaborate to provide culturally and linguistically accessible care. Discover innovative strategies, such as ride-sharing partnerships and multimedia educational platforms, aimed at overcoming barriers and ensuring equitable healthcare access for all.

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Welcoming and Supporting Unaccompanied Refugee Minors from Afghanistan

Discover how organizations such as Lutheran Community Services, Northwest, are tailoring their services to Afghan youth. Through specialized programs funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, organizations are welcoming and supporting unaccompanied refugee minors from Afghanistan into the United States. These minors receive essential services such as foster care placement, cultural adjustment support, healthcare navigation, and more.

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Wildfires and Smoke: Mental Health Impact and Coping Strategies

Explore the mental health impact of wildfires and smoke exposure on resettled Afghan communities in the United States. Learn how organizations are providing support, such as social gatherings and trauma-informed parenting initiatives that are tailored to the unique needs of Afghan families navigating the psychological effects of natural disasters. 

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Programs for Resettled Afghan Youth

Discover how tailored programs support the resettlement and well-being of Afghan youth in the United States following Operation Allies Welcome. With nearly 90,000 Afghans resettled, organizations have collaborated to support Afghan youth as they navigate challenges related to trauma, language barriers, and cultural adaptation. Initiatives in Georgia and Washington State offer initiatives to empower Afghan youth and facilitate their integration into new communities. 

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Culturally Responsive Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Care

This promising practice showcases the importance of a sexual assault nurse exam (SANE), with specialized training in identifying and addressing the medical needs of individuals who have experienced sexual violence. The overarching goal of SANE services is establishing a balance between a systematic and comprehensive health assessment and honoring and supporting the patient's agency, dignity, and cultural/linguistic traditions.

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Education and Prevention to Reduce Lead Exposure Among Afghan Arrivals

Learn how to support the resettlement of Afghans while tackling lead exposure challenges. Discover public health initiatives, partnerships, and practical solutions implemented by organizations like Seattle and King County Public Health and the International Rescue Committee in Spokane, Washington.

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Halal Meals and Culturally Appropriate Welcome Kits

Learn how organizations like CAIR Oklahoma address post-resettlement food insecurity by providing halal meals and culturally sensitive welcome kits to newcomers in Oklahoma City. Discover the grassroots efforts and community partnerships that facilitate access to nutritious, culturally appropriate food and necessities for Afghan families, fostering a sense of safety, security, and belonging in their new environment.

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Mental Health and Social Support Programming for Afghan Newcomers

Learn about the challenges and support strategies for addressing mental health among Afghan refugees resettled in the United States through Operation Allies Welcome (OAW). Learn about initiatives like healing circles in Washington state and social support programs in Minnesota that provide culturally appropriate mental health support for Afghan newcomers.

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Orienting Afghan Newcomers to Prenatal Care and Delivery in the United States

Discover how to overcome the challenges faced by Afghan refugee mothers in accessing prenatal care in the United States. Initiatives like group prenatal education classes in Washington State and hospital orientation programs in California provide culturally appropriate support for expecting Afghan mothers.

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Bringing Vaccines Directly to Afghan Communities

Learn how community-driven pop-up COVID-19 vaccine clinics overcome access barriers for refugee, immigrant, and migrant (RIM) communities in the United States. Explore successful models in Seattle, Buffalo, New York, Illinois, and Maine, emphasizing community engagement, cultural sensitivity, and convenience.

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Cultural Training Strategies for New Welcome Corps Resettlement Initiative

Explore the Welcome Corps Pathway Program, a private sponsorship initiative empowering Americans to support Afghan refugees resettling in the United States. Learn about the need for cultural training among sponsors and how organizations like Elena’s Light in Connecticut provide essential cultural humility and competency training for individuals and communities welcoming Afghan newcomers.

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Vaccine Listening Sessions

Explore how health departments conduct COVID-19 vaccine listening sessions to gather community insights and address concerns. Discover practical strategies such as partnering with community-based organizations, offering interpretation services, and limiting group sizes for focused discussions. Learn from a case study with the Afghan Health Initiative, showcasing the use of Zoom and multilingual support for meaningful engagement.

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Bridging Faith and Health: Effective Strategies for COVID–19 Mitigation in Muslim Faith Communities

With insights from the International Rescue Committee, learn about faith-based strategies for COVID-19 mitigation in Muslim communities. Explore approaches such as fostering community engagement in mosques, providing culturally appropriate communication, utilizing gender-sensitive approaches, and more.

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