CHW Self-Care Curriculum: Action Plan

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Self-Care Action Plan

Planning for self-care may not seem to be an integral part of being successful; however, planning puts you in a better position to succeed and helps to enhance your health and wellbeing. There is no “one-size-fits-all” self-care plan, but there are essentials to all self-care plans to be successful: make a commitment to yourself, follow your plan, include coping strategy, and share with family and friends who can be good as additional support, encouragement, and new self-care ideas/strategies. Genuinely enjoy your choices.

The Mental Health FIRST AID curriculum suggests that to create a realistic and effective selfcare plan it is important to consider the following:

For health care workers, as they continue to deal with COVID-19, they further suggest taking a few minutes each day to think of four simple tactics that can be vital in safeguarding their mental health and well-being. They are the following:

Reiterating there is no one size fits all, it is important to create a plan that fits your needs and your personality. It can be as simple as a 2-minute thought or as detailed as you desire while keeping in mind that everything you do for your wellbeing is self-care. Good self-care is the best prevention medicine, and the same self-care guidance psychologists give to their patients, they use for themselves. The overarching foundation for any self-care action plan begins with self-acceptance. Do not compare yourself or cultural belief and activities with others, knowing that putting yourself first and actively incorporating self-care strategies will be rewarding in the end. Self-care allows your best self to shine so you can be the best for your family and friends!

Begin to develop an action plan by either referring to exercise 2 where you identified areas in your life that where you felt depleted, or think of areas where you feel more stressed. Or you can begin by doing a self-care assessment to determine how well you are caring for yourself now.

Self-care action plan can be focused on one or several domains at a time. Next Avenue gives example of several domains with some simple actions and a space to include your specific plan for that domain. Pick the self-care plan that works best for you.

Secondly, identify your emotions. What triggers you? Determine what aspect of self-care it lines up with, then create an activity or pick from your brainstorming of activities to counteract that stressor.

Exercise 9
Situation: You are irritable, tired, and hungry and your coworker just asked you to double check some figures on a report you both worked on before giving it to the supervisor. You shouted at her and told her you do not care if the numbers are correct.
What aspect of self-care does this align?
What action could be included in your self-care plan?

  • Plan a firm date to begin and keep in a place where you can see it everyday
  • Brainstorm a list of all the things that makes you feel good/give pleasure (do not try to categorize for different domain of self-care)
  • Begin small and slowly add activities
  • Make it regular; use moment or breaks of opportunity or down time
  • Determine how much time you will dedicate to your self-care (mornings, before bed, weekly, monthly)
  • Set the length of time – e.g. 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes or 1 hour on Tuesday and Thursday
  • Give yourself grace. Do not be so rigid that your self-care becomes a stressor, allow your personality traits to guide you
  • Leave room for spontaneity
  • Identify an accountability partner or team
  • Share with family and friends that can be supportive
  • Practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing
  • Have a massage (hands, feet, lower back, or full body)
  • Keeping a journal and writing about your thoughts
  • Create a gratitude tree or journal
  • Go to church/mosque or temple
  • Spend time talking to your parents and your elders
  • Take and art class with some friends
  • Get a good night sleep (8 hours)
  • Meditative and pray
  • Take time to for reflection – honor your true self
  • Write three things that you have done good each day
  • Take time to read a book from your shelf or go to the library
  • Spend an afternoon at the zoo or arboretum
  • Go to the gym for a good workout or use YouTube to get different types of workout/exercise
  • Listen to music of your choice
  • Put on your favorite 3 dance songs and dance
  • Watch your favorite show or movie (schedule a movie binge)
  • Give yourself an at home manicure, pedicure and facial (do it with a friend or family member)
  • Bake something – anything - a cake, muffins, scones; something that makes your heart sing
  • Have a long bubble bath with your favorite scented candle
  • Sit outside and watch the sunset alone, or with your spouse or a friend
  • Buy a bunch of flowers from the farmers market for a special room in your home
  • Go to the beach, lake, or park for a 30-minute walk
  • Walk into water and get your feet wet on a hot day
  • Take a few minutes on swing at the park (if it can accommodate and adult)
  • Sit outside and watch the clouds go by and just do nothing – what shapes do see!
  • Go to the cinema and watch a movie by yourself – a comedy
  • Take a dance class
  • Spend time praying or read something that builds your spiritual life
  • Go for a walk in the middle of the day and feel the sunshine on your face
  • Listen to a motivational or inspiring podcast, whilst driving, sitting at the beach, or exercising
  • Take time for gratitude - write down 10 things you are proud or grateful for – or verbally do it at the end of the day before going to bed
  • Go for a bike ride (try a new trail with a friend)
  • Visit an elderly family member or friend of the family
  • Volunteer to help someone in need at local organization
  • Perform an act of kindness
  • Do arts & crafts (draw, sculpt, crochet, paint, color, sew, make something etc.)
  • Download a favorite game app and play (do not read emails or any or other social media)
  • Schedule lunch with a friend
  • Get a nap in the middle of the day
  • Go to a waterpark
  • Learn to play a new game (chess, dominos, card games)
  • Write a letter, on actual paper to someone you care about to tell them how much they mean to you
  • Go to a coffee shop you have never been and order something you have never had before
  • Try a new recipe
  • Create a happy book – list things that make you happy

Exercise 10
List activities that make you feel good or bring you joy/pleasure (things that when fully engaged keep your mind occupied).