Vaccines and Ramadan

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Ramadan begins the evening of March 10 and ends the evening of April 9, 2024.

As Ramadan begins in March, there has been some concern that receiving a vaccine could be considered breaking fast, or that it may not be halal. Encourage vaccines, boosters, and other COVID-19 safety measures with these resources.

NRC-RIM and partners have created a series of videos and other resources about Ramadan faith leaders addressing potential questions or concerns from members of Muslim communities.

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Key Messages: Ramadan and COVID-19

Communicate to clients about the importance of staying safe from COVID-19 during Ramadan with these templates. Copy and paste them into messaging apps that are commonly used by RIM communities, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, SMS (text), or others.

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  1. مع اقتراب شهر رمضان, يمكنك الأعتناء بمجتمعك من خلال الحصول على جرعة معززة من لقاح كوفيد-19, مما يساعدك على تقليل خطر الإصابة بفيروس كوفيد-19وانتشاره.
  2. مع اقتراب شهررمضان, بإمكانك حماية مجتمعك عن طريق تلقي اللقاح وتقليل خطر انتشار كوفيد- 19 أثناء التجمعات والصلاة.
  3. التجمع للصلاة والافطار هو أحد أهم أركان شهر رمضان. احمي نفسك ضد كوفيد- 19 لتتمكن من الاستمتاع بالشهر الفضيل. فيما يلي كيف:
  4. رمضان هو للتقرب من المجتمع. يمكنك الاعتناء بمجتمعك من خلال الحصول على جرعة معززة من  لقاح كوفيد- 19 . تعرف على المزيد: 
  5. أذا أصبت بكوفيد 19 خلال شهر رمضان، فقد  تشعر بالضعف الشديد بحيث لا تتمكن من صيام معظم أيام الشهر الكريم. في حال اصابتك بكوفيد-19 قد يجعلك ذلك  مريضا بشدة لعدة أسابيع وحتى عدة أشهر. احصل على التطعيم حتى لا تضيع على نفسك فرصة الشهر المبارك .
  6. لقد كنا متباعدين لفترة طويلة. لحسن الحظ، لدينا الآن لقاح آمن للغاية بإمكاننا الحصول عليه لنحمي أنفسنا وأحبائنا من كوفيد-19 حتى  يمكننا أن نتجمع أخيرا في شهر رمضان . 
  7. عندما يتجمع أطفالك في المساجد والافطار في رمضان ، تعرف على المزيد حول كيفية الحفاظ على سلامتهم في التجمعات الكبيرة عن طريق تطعيمهم حتى تتمكن أنت وعائلتك من الاستمتاع بهذا الشهر الكريم.
  8. إن لقاح كوفيد 19 والجرعات المعززة  هي  حصنك المنيع في رمضان، وستساعدك ايضا  على حماية مجتمعك وأحبائك. أليك بعض المعلومات المهمة حول اللقاحات والجرعات المعززة : 


  1. با نزدیک شدن ماه رمضان، شما می‌توانید با گرفتن واکسین تقویت‌کنندهٔ کووید-۱۹ از اجتماع خود مراقبت کنید، این کار به شما کمک می‌کند که خطر مبتلا شدن و انتشار این مریضی را تا اندازهٔ زیادی پایین آوردید.
  2. با نزدیک شدن ماه رمضان، شما می‌توانید با گرفتن واکسین از اجتماع تان محافظت و خطر انتشار کووید-۱۹ را در هنگام اجتماعات و ادای نماز، کاهش دهید.
  3. گردهمایی برای نماز و افطار، یکی از مهمترین ویژگی ماه مبارک رمضان است. از خود در برابر مریضی کووید-۱۹ محافظت کنید تا بتوانید از این ماه مقدس لذت ببرید. در اینجا ما به شما می گوییم که چطور این کار امکان پذیر است:
  4. مهمترین مشخصه ماه رمضان ،گردهمایی می باشد. شما می توانید با گرفتن واکسین تقویت کنندهٔ کووید-۱۹ از اجتماع خود مراقبت کنید.
    برای معلومات بیشتر:
  5. اگر در ماه رمضان به مریضی کووید-۱۹ مبتلا شوید، ممکن است احساس ضعف کنید و این باعث شود که نتوانید همه روزهای این ماه مبارک را روزه بگیرید. مبتلا شدن به مریضی کووید-۱۹ می تواند شما را برای هفته ها یا حتی ماه ها به شدت مریض کند. واکسین شوید تا این زمان مبارک را از دست ندهید.
  6. ما برای مدت طولانی از هم دور بودیم. خوشبختانه، اکنون یک واکسین بسیار ایمن داریم که می‌توانیم برای محافظت از خود و عزیزانمان در برابر مریضی کووید-۱۹ از آن استفاده کنیم، تا بتوانیم در ماه رمضان امسال با خیال آسوده با افراد دیگر گردهمایی داشته باشیم.
  7. زمانیکه اطفال شما در ماه رمضان امسال در مساجد و برای افطار دور هم جمع می شوند، شما می توانید یاد بگیرید که چگونه با واکسین کردن آنها، در اجتماعات بزرگ آن ها را ایمن نگه دارید و شما و خانواده تان از ماه مقدس رمضان لذت کامل را ببرید.
  8. واکسین های کووید-۱۹ و واکسین های تقویت کننده دیوارهای محافظتی شما در ماه رمضان امسال است، و همچنین به شما کمک می کند از جامعه و عزیزان خود محافظت کنید. در اینجا معلومات بسیار مفیدی در مورد :واکسین ها و تقویت کننده ها آمده است


  1. As Ramadan nears, you can take care of your community by getting your COVID-19 booster shot, which helps you further reduce your risk of catching and spreading COVID-19.
  2. As Ramadan nears, you can protect your community by getting vaccinated and reducing your risk of spreading COVID-19 during gatherings and prayers.
  3. Gathering for prayer and iftar is one of the most special parts of Ramadan. Protect yourself against COVID-19 so you can enjoy the holy month. Here’s how:
  4. Ramadan is about community. You can take care of your community by getting your COVID-19 booster shot. Learn more:
  5. If you get sick with COVID-19 during Ramadan, you may feel too weak to fast for much of the holy month. Getting sick with COVID-19 can make you severely sick for weeks or even months. Get vaccinated so you don’t miss out on this blessed time.
  6. We’ve been apart for so long. Fortunately, we now have an extremely safe vaccine we can take to protect ourselves and our loved ones from COVID-19 so that we can finally gather safely this Ramadan.
  7. As your kids gather in mosques and for iftar this Ramadan, learn more about how you can keep them safe in large gatherings by getting them vaccinated so that you and your family can fully enjoy the holy month.
  8. Your COVID-19 vaccine and booster doses are your walls of protection this Ramadan, and they will also help you protect your community and loved ones. Here’s some helpful information about vaccines and boosters:


  1. لکه څنګه چی روژه نږدی کیږی، تاسو کولی شی چی دخپلی ټولنی خیال وساتی، دکووید ۱۹ دبوسټر شاټ په اخیستلو سره،  کوم چی تاسو  ډ کووید ۱۹ له اخته کیدو څخه ښوندی ساتی او خپریدو خطر کمولوکی مرسته کوی. 
  2. لکه څنګه چی روژه نږدی کیږی، تاسو کولی شی چی   ډ واکسین په اخیستلو سره خپله ټولنه دغونډو او لمانځه په جریان کی د کووید ۱۹ دخپریدو خطر په کمولوکی خوندی کړی. 
  3. دلمانځه او روژه ماتی لپاره راغونډیدل  ډ روژی له یو ځانګری برخو څخه  ډی. خپل ځان دکووید ۱۹ څخه خوندی وساتی ترڅو تاسو ډ  روژی  ډ مبارکی میاشتی څخه خوند واخلی. دلته به وایوو چه څنګه: 
  4. روژه  ډ ټولنی په اړه  ډه. تاسو  ډ کووید ۱۹  ډ بوسټرشاټ په اخیستلو سره  ډ خپلی ټولنی خیال ساتلی شی. نور زده کړی:
  5. که تاسو  ډ روژی په میاشت کی  په کووید ۱۹ اخته شی، تاسو ممکن  ډ روژی نیلولپاره ډیر کمزوری احسای کړی.  ډ کوید۱۹ سره ناروغ کیدل کولی شی چی تاسو  ډ اونیو یا حتی  ډ میاشتو لپاره سخت ناروغ کړی. واکسین وکړی ترڅو دا مبارک وخت ډ لاسه ورنکړی. 
  6. موږ  ډ اوږدی مودی لپاره بیل وو. خوشبختانه موږ اوس یو ډیر خوندی واکسین لرو چی موږکولی شو دکووید ۱۹ څخه  ډ خپل ځان او عزیزانو  د ساتنی لپاره ترلاسه کرو، تر څو چی موږ وکولای شو چه  ډ روژی په پای کی په خوندی توګه سره غونډ شو. 
  7. لکه څنګه چی ستاسو ماشومان  ډ جماتونو او ډ  روژه مات په مهال کی راټولیږی، تاسی زدکړی چی څنګه دوی  ډ لویو غونډو څخه خوندی وساتی تر څو ستاسو او ستاسو کورنی په بشپړ ډول  ډ روژی  ډ مبارکی میاشتی څخه خوند واخلی. 
  8. ستاسو  ډ کووید ۱۹ واکسین او بوسټر ډوزونه په دی روژی میاشت ستاسو  ډ محافظت دیوالونه دی، او دابه ستاسوسره ستاسودټولنی او عزیزانو په ساتنه کی هم مرسته وکړی. دلته واکسینونه او بوسټرانو په اړه ځینی ګټور معلومات دی:


Rohingya people tend to rely on a more oral tradition. Consider downloading these audio clips and sending them via WhatsApp or another messaging service. 

Clip 1: Download

Translation: As Ramadan nears, you can take comfort in knowing the COVID-19 vaccine is halal. 

You still have time to get the COVID-19 booster so that you can safely gather with others and protect yourself and your community this holy month. If you’re not vaccinated yet, it’s never too late to start: some protection is better than nothing. 

The vaccine is free and has been tested for safety more than any vaccine in U.S. history. 

Schedule your vaccine or booster today with your doctor, your closest pharmacy, or a local health facility so that you can enjoy Ramadan with your loved ones and community.

Clip 2: Download

Translation: As Ramadan nears, I wanted to share this quick and helpful video about the COVID-19 vaccine. You can visit your doctor or local pharmacy to get your free COVID-19 vaccine in preparation for the holy month.


  1. Bishii Ramadaan ayaa soo dhawaatay, waxaad daryeeli kartaa bulshadaada adiga oo qaata tallaalka xoojiyaha ee COVID-19, kaas oo kaa caawin doona inaad sii yarayso khatartaada inaad qaado oo aad faafiso COVID-19. 
  2. Biishii Ramadaan ayaa soo dhawaatay, waxaad ilaalin kartaa bulshadaada adigoo is tallaala oo yareeya halista faafinta COVID-19 inta lagu jiro kulannada iyo salaadaha.
  3. Isku imaatinka salaada iyo afurka ayaa ka mid ah meelaha ugu qiimaha badan bisha Ramadaan. Naftaada ka ilaali COVID-19 si aad ugu raaxaysato bisha barakaysan. Waa kan sida:
  4. Ramadaanku waa bisha bulshada. Waxaad daryeeli kartaa bulshadaada markaad hesho tallaalka xoojinta COVID-19. Wax dheeri ah baro:
  5. Hadii aad ku xanuunsato COVID-19 inta lagu jiro bisha Ramadaan, waxaa laga yaabaa inaad dareento tabar darro aad u badan oo sababi karta inaad soomi kari waydo inta badan bisha barakaysan. Ku bukoonta COVID-19 waxay kugu keeni kartaa xanuun daran mudo usbuuco ah ama xitaa bilo. Is tallaal si aadan u waaynin waqtigan barakeysan.
  6. Mudo dheer ayaan kala maqnayn. Nasiib wanaag, waxaan haysanaa tallaal aad badbaado u leh oo aan qaadan karno si aan nafteena iyo kuwa aan jecelnahay uga ilaalinno COVID-19 si aan ugu dambayntii si badbaado leh iskugu imaanno.
  7. Marka ay caruurtaada ay iskugu imaanayaan masaajidada iyo afurka Ramadadaankaan, baro wax badan oo ku saabsan sida aad ayaga u ilaalin lahayd marka ay joogaan isku imaatinka adiga oo tallaalaya si aad adiga iyo qoyskaaguba si buuxda ugu raaxaysataan bisha barakaysan.
  8. Talallaka COVID-19 iyo  xoojiyayaasha   waa gidaarka ku difaacaya bisha Ramdaanka, waxayna sidoo kale kaa caawin doonaan ilaalinta adiga iyo bulshadaada  iyo kuwa aad jeceshahay. waa kuwaan macluumaad waxtar leh oo ka hadlya tallaada and xoojiyayaasha.


  1. ራማዳን እናቐረበ ይመጽእ ኣብዘለወሉ እዋን ነቲ ተወሳኪ ናይ Covid-19 ክታበት ክንወስድ, ንማሕበረሰብና ክንከላኸል ንክእል አና፣ እዚ ኸኣ ነቲ Covid-19 ናይ ምሓዝን ናይ ምዝርጋሕን ኣጋጣሚ ብዝያዳ ንኽትንክዮ ይሕግዘካ።
  2. ራማዳን እናቐረበ ኣብዝመጸሉ ዘሎ አዋን፣ንሕብረ ተሰብና ክታበት ብምውሳድ ክንከላከለሎም ንክእል ኢና። ከምኡ ውን Covid-19 ኣብ ግዜ ጸሎትን ኣኼባን ኸይዝርጋሕ ዘሎ ኣጋጣሚ ክንኪ ኢዩ።
  3. ንጸሎትን ኢፍታርን ምእካብ ሓደ ኻብቲ ኣዝዩ ፍሉይ ክፋል ራማዳን እዩ። ኣብታ ቕድስቲ ወርሒ ምእንቲ ኽትሕጐስ ንርእስኻ ኻብCOVID-19 ኣዕቍባ። ከመይ ጌርና ኸምኡ ኸምእንገብር እስከ ንርአ ፦
  4. ራማዳን ናይ ሕብረተሰብካ ኢዪ። ነቲ ተወሳኪ ናይ Covid -19 ክታበት ብምውሳድ ንሕብረተሰካ ክትከላከለሉ ትክእል ኢኻ። ዝያዳ ተምሃር፥
  5. ኣብ እዋን ራማዳን ብ Covid-19 እንተሓሚምካ ንመብዛሕትኡ እ ዋ ን እታ ቕድስቲ ወርሒ ክትጸውም ዘይትኽእል ኰይኑ ኺስምዓካ ይኽእል እዩ። ከምኡ ውን Covid-19 ምሕማ ም ንሰሙናት ወይ ንኣዋርሕ ከቢድ ሕማም  ከስዕበልካ ይኽእል እዩ። ካብዚ እተባረኸ ግዜ ምእንቲ ኸይትተርፍ ክታበት ውሰድ
  6. ካብ እንፈላለ ነዊሕ ገይርና ኣለና። ሕጂ ግና ጽ ቡ ቕ ዕ ድ ል ኾ ይ ኑ ነቲ ኣዝዩ ውሑስ ተወሳኪ ናይ Covid-19  ክታበት ስለ ዝረከብና ንገዛእ ርእስናን ነቶም እነፍቅሮም ቤተሰብናን ካብ Covid-19 ከነዕቅቦም ንክእል ኢና። አዚ ከኣ ኣብ መወዳእታ ነዚ ራማዳን ብደሓን ምእንቲ ኽንእከብ እዩ።
  7. ደቅኻ ኣብ መስጊድ ክእከቡን ነዚ ኢፍጣር ራማዳን እዚ ከክብርዎ,ዝያዳ ተምሃር፥ ወርሒ ምሉእ ብምሉእ ምእንቲ ኽትሕጐሱን, ኣብ ዓበይቲ ኣኼባታት ንደቅካ ነቲ ተወሳኪ ናይ Covid-19 ክታበት ኣውስዶም ብኸመይ ክትከላኸለሎም ከም እትኽእል ክኣ ብዝያዳ ፍለጥ።
  8. እቲ ናይ Covid-19 ክታበትን ናይ መበርትዒ 
    ክታበትን ቀንዲ መንደቅ ድሕነትካ አዮም ብዝያዳ ኣብዚ ሕጂ ናይ ራማዳን ጊዜ ቢተወሳኪ ከኣ ንማሕበረሰብካን ነቶም እተፍቅሮም ሰባትን ንኸተዕቍቦም እውን ክሕግዘካ ኢዩ። ብዛዕባ ክታብትን መበርትዒ ክታበትን ዚገልጽ ጠቓሚ ሓበሬታ እንሆ፦
Silhouette of bowl with hot food

Supporting Afghan Clients’ Food Needs during Ramadan
During the holy month of Ramadan, many Muslims fast, or refrain from eating or drinking, from sunset until sundown. Many newly arriving Afghan Muslims are still living in temporary accommodations with limited cooking appliances, which will hinder their ability to prepare traditional foods. Learn more

Checklist silhouette icon

Checklist: Traditional Afghan Ingredients for Ramadan
This checklist includes a list of traditional Afghan ingredients commonly used during Ramadan. There is also a column that can be used to track which ingredients have been purchased, and additional lines where more ingredients can be added.

Imam Wazir
English | Amharic | Arabic
Harari | Oromo | Somali | Tigrinya​​​​​​

Dr. Ashgan Elshinawy

Sheikh Mohammad Elshinawy
English | Arabic

COVID-19 Awareness Message on Ramadan
English | Dari | Oromo 1 | Oromo 2
Pashto | Somali 1 | Somali 2


Silhouette Youtube Icon

Create your own

These talking points / video script was developed by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in collaboration with Imam Wazir of Atlanta, Georgia. Community-based organizations may consider creating audio or video messages featuring faith leaders addressing potential questions or concerns from members of Muslim communities about COVID-19 vaccines and Ramadan. Learn more about creating your own video.

Ramadan 2022 Video Script

No Animal Products-Partners

Facts about vaccines being halal, not containing animal products, and not changing DNA are all available in the languages of communities for whom these topics are particularly relevant. Download these social media assets in Arabic, Dari, Farsi, Pashto, Rohingya, Somali and Urdu. Audio files of the facts are available in Pashto and Rohingya.

Halal-Social Graphics-Partners

A series of facts that can be posted to social media, including facts about the vaccine being halal, are available in several languages: Arabic | Burmese | Dari | English | French | Karen | Kinyarwanda | Lingala | Nepali | Pashto | Russian | Spanish | Swahili (Congolese) | Tigrinya | Ukrainian

Get The Facts - English 16.

Part of the Get the Facts campaign is a series of social media assets that offer facts about the COVID-19 vaccine. These are available in Amharic, English, Oromo, Portuguese, Somali, and Spanish with many more on the way. For customizable templates, fact sheets, Audio PSAs and more, visit the Get the Facts page.

Vaccine Icon

Vaccine Campaign Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations

Faith-based organizations frequently play an integral role within communities. Select this promising practice to learn more about involving faith-based organizations in vaccine campaigns.

Learn more >> 

Story icon

COVID Champions: Trusted Faith Leaders

A COVID-19 Champion is someone who helps disseminate accurate information on public health and safety, local support services, and their own experiences relating to COVID-19 to specific communities, including related to COVID-19 vaccines.

Learn more >>

Partner Icon

Outreach to Faith-Based Organizations During COVID-19

Faith-based organizations provide social and spiritual connections and play a critical role in providing and supporting social services within communities. Read these tips on how to connect and collaborate with faith-based organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Download now >>