Afghan Dastarkhwan Part 2: Food Budgets and Ways to Save

Nutrition Toolkit for Afghan Health Portfolio

Part 2: Food Budgets and Ways to Save

Modules 3 and 4 demonstrate how to shop for food in the U.S. and gives participants ideas for things that can be made in batches and frozen for leftovers. Participants will also learn about food budgets coupons, rewards programs, and free community resources. Experiential activities offer tips for using SNAP and WIC and for tracking food spending.

The toolkit ends with a Bolani recipe and a story from Zohra, who made the recipe for her husband to take to work when they first arrived in the U.S. Zohra also offers her advice for newly arrived Afghans on how to save money by cooking at home.

Food Budget

In this lesson plan, participants explore the importance of a food budget, and discover simple ways to start tracking and planning their food expenses. After this session, participants will be able to set financial priorities for their food budget and use tools to track their food spending.

Key learnings include:

  • Shopping for food
  • How to freeze foods
  • Make a food budget

Materials Needed:

  • Tools (computer, pen, paper)
  • Cutouts of Handout: Foods that Freeze Well at Home
  • Cutouts of Handout: Spending Priorities
  • Presentation slides
  • Video projector

For Facilitators

Facilitation Guide

Facilitation Guide

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Module 1 slide preview


English | Dari | Pashto

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 English | Dari | Pashto


Experiential Activity: Spending Priorities

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For Participants

Foods That Freeze Well at Home

Foods that freeze well at home


English Dari | Pashto

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English | Dari | Pashto 

Tracking Your Food Spending


English  | Dari | Pashto

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English  | Dari | Pashto

Video: Shopping for Food and Making a Food Budget

food budget video thumbnail

English | Dari | Pashto | Playlist

In this lesson plan, participants explore the importance of ways to save money when shopping for food in the U.S. and where to access free food resources in the community. After this session, participants will be able to learn how to find coupons and in-store discounts, as well as other free food resources.

Key learnings include: 

  • Where to shop 
  • Coupons Sales 
  • Store rewards programs
  • Free community resources

Materials needed:

  • Tools (computer, pen, paper)
  • Handout: SNAP and WIC 
  • Presentation Slides 
  • Video projector
  • Experimental Activities for Adaptation Suggested Resources: 
    • Facilitator gathers weekly ads and coupon examples for class
    • Adaptation of Handout: Community Food Resources. Review Instructions beforehand. 
    • Gather real food, non-food items, & seeds for SNAP/WIC activity.

For Facilitators

Facilitation Guide

Facilitation Guide

Download PDF 

Module 1 slide preview


 English | Dari | Pashto

English | Dari  | Pashto


Experiential Activity: SNAP and WIC

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For Participants

Parts of a Coupon


English  | Dari | Pashto

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English  | Dari | Pashto

Tips for Using Snap


English  | Dari | Pashto

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English  | Dari | Pashto

Community Food Resources

Food Resource Handout
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Video: Ways to Save & Community Food Resources

Video 5: Ways to Save & Community Food Resources

English | Dari | Pashto | Playlist

Video: Bolani Recipe

Bolani Recipe Thumbnail

English | Dari | Pashto | Playlist
